Wednesday, May 29, 2024

The Intercept:
"The announcement today that prosecutors from the International Criminal Court are seeking arrest warrants against top Israeli officials, alongside senior officials from Hamas, has triggered a political earthquake amid the ongoing expansion of the Israel offensive in the Gaza Strip. ...

The news sparked immediate outrage from the U.S. government. Warrants against Israeli leaders would mark a new era for international humanitarian law where even close allies of the U.S. can be held to account for their actions.

'The prosecutor’s announcement will likely impact assessments of the legal risks for other states which are supporting or aiding Israel’s war in Gaza,' said Sarah Knuckey, an expert on international law and professor at Columbia Law School. 'If there are reasonable grounds to believe that senior Israeli officials are responsible for war crimes, then countries aiding Israel’s war in Gaza are at risk of complicity in those same crimes. We may see accelerated efforts in other countries to stop them from selling weapons or providing military aid to Israel.' ”

-->Our official Pentagon publication, the NYT, doesn't really explore the ramifications of the ICC issuing warrants of arrest. Of course, why wouldn't Biden and Blinken be worried; they have aided and abetted the worst crimes against humanity since the Second World War. Don't look to the NYT to explore these issues.


Common Dreams:
"Just months after mega-billionaire Elon Musk launched what he termed a 'thermonuclear lawsuit' against Media Matters for America, the nonprofit media watchdog outfit announced a round of punishing layoffs Thursday which it in part attributed to the financial strain imposed by the legal battle it now faces.

What triggered Musk's initial outrage in November was MMFA reporting about 'pro-Nazi content' on the social media platform X, owned by Musk, appearing alongside ads by prominent corporations in the content stream shown to users.

In his post threatening the lawsuit, which was later filed in Texas, Musk vowed to target 'Media Matters and ALL those who colluded in this fraudulent attack on our company.' Noting the scope of his retribution, Musk then added: 'Their board, their donors, their network of dark money, all of them…' would be included in the suit's scope."

-->The era of billionaires being able to shut down media outlets is upon us. With unlimited funds for lawyers, Musk can almost bring down any news source he wants. But our major media is not paying attention to this story. Afraid that Musk will take them out as well? And can we ever recover our democracy without dealing with the mega criminals that populate our over 800 billionaires?


"In 2019, Dr. Kuhn, a trusted expert on China, worked with award-winning director Peter Getzels to journey across China and document the methods used to bring over 100 million people out of extreme poverty. The film was an exemplary piece of video journalism meant to spread knowledge and awareness of China’s unprecedented accomplishments alleviating poverty. Not only that, but the film marked a beautiful moment of people to people dialogue, displaying the human benefits of local, bottom-up methodologies.

I am appalled by your continued censorship of this innovative documentary and the divergence from your claim that you are a 'Trusted Window to the World.’ Not only are you stifling the truth, but you have taken away easy access to learning about potential solutions to global poverty. Your censorship in no way 'serves the American public [by] using media to educate, inspire, entertain, and express a diversity of perspectives.' It is clear from your actions that you do not care for displaying a diversity of perspectives, and only those that suit your agenda."

-->PBS doing Pentagon propaganda again? Of course it is. The decision to cancel this documentary is just part of the Pentagon's decades long effort to hide what is really happening in the rest of the world. Shame on you, PBS!