Wednesday, May 15, 2024

The Guardian:
"Since 7 October, commentators have been ringing the alarm that a growing protest movement in solidarity with Palestine signals not just the end of a 'golden age' for American Jews – as Franklin Foer recently put it in the Atlantic – but for American liberal democracy itself. ...

Foer [is] right that American democracy is imperiled. But as the draconian crackdown on non-violent student protests makes clear, accusations of antisemitism are not themselves evidence of liberal decline, but rather the tip of the spear in a frightening illiberal project serving the agenda of an emboldened, autocratic right wing.

The months since 7 October have seen shocking attacks on freedom of expression and assembly on campus. Even before the stunning display of police brutality in recent weeks, campuses have been home to canceled speakers and events, arbitrary disciplinary hearings, and outright censorship. The University of Southern California has canceled its entire commencement ceremony rather than let its valedictorian, Asna Tabassum, deliver a message of Palestine solidarity in her speech.”

-->This assault against free speech is not really being covered by the US mainstream media. One must go the a foreign press to read what is really happening here at home. Our media is just too corporate owned to report this story.


The Guardian:
"Three Israeli whistleblowers who worked at the notorious Sde Teiman prison camp in the Negev desert offered horrifying accounts of the treatment of Palestinians held there, telling CNN that the facility's doctors have amputated limbs due to handcuffing injuries, allowed detainees' wounds to rot, and carried out vicious beatings.

A medic who worked at Sde Teiman's field hospital said that Palestinian detainees there are stripped 'of anything that resembles human beings' and that the harassment and torture are done not to 'gather intelligence' but 'out of revenge' for the October 7 attacks.

Israel has detained thousands of Gaza residents since October, with many of them held under a recently amended law that empowers Israeli authorities to imprison people indefinitely without charge or due process. Human rights organizations have documented Israeli forces' brutal and degrading treatment of Palestinian detainees, including women and children.”

-->Where is this story in the NYT? CNN first reported this abuse of injured Palestinians, but our Zionist newspaper of record didn't think the story was fit to print.


Common Dreams:
" 'What Israel has done over the last seven months is not just gone to war against Hamas—it has gone to war against the entire Palestinian people, and the results have been absolutely catastrophic,' [Bernie Sanders] told NBC.

Sanders went on to outline some of that catastrophe: a death toll that surpassed 35,000 on Sunday, with two-thirds of the dead women and children; the destruction of around 60% of all housing; the devastation of infrastructure such a as water and sewage as well as the healthcare and education systems; and the fact that hundreds of thousands of children are now at risk of starvation.

Sanders referred to Section 6201 of the Foreign Assistance Act: 'Any country that blocks U.S. humanitarian aid is in violation of law and should not continue to receive military aid from the United States,' Sanders explained. 'That is precisely what Israel has done.' "

-->The NYT doesn't do Bernie Sanders. Not what he writes or what he says. That is especially true now that Bernie is expressing what most of us feel, that Israel's cruelty and crimes against humanity have gone off the rails.