Wednesday, June 12, 2024

"Attacks on US-linked businesses rattle Baghdad as anger over Gaza surges.

A dozen masked men jump out of two SUVs and a white pick-up and storm a KFC in Baghdad, smashing everything in sight before fleeing the scene. A few days earlier, similar violence played out at Lee’s Famous Recipe Chicken and Chili House – all US brands popular in the Iraqi capital.

Though no one was seriously hurt, the recent attacks – apparently orchestrated by supporters of Iran-backed, anti-US militias in Iraq — reflect surging anger against the United States, Israel’s top ally, over the war in Gaza.

Iraqi governments have for years walked a delicate line between Washington and Tehran, but the eight-month war in Gaza, which has killed more than 36,000 Palestinians, has critically upped the stakes."

-->A worldwide boycott of US products over the genocide in Gaza. It's about time, but you won't read about it in the American media.  


Common Dreams:
"Historic, But So, So Late: Israel Added to UN's Child-Killing 'List of Shame.'

'It took a genocide that killed 15,000 children and maimed and scarred thousands more but the U.N. has finally and rightly added Israel to its List of Shame,' said one Palestinian observer.

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres informed Israel on Friday that, for the first time, it is being added to the so-called 'List of Shame' of countries that kill and injure children during wars and other armed conflicts, a decision that infuriated Israeli officials but was welcomed by human rights defenders as long overdue."

-->The NYT covered this story, but stressed that Hamas and Islamic Jihad had also been added. That's better than the rest of the US media, which didn't cover this news at all. Child killing, when it comes to Israel, is almost always censored by the press.


Common Dreams:
U.S. President Joe Biden said in an interview published Tuesday that he does not believe the Israeli government is using starvation as a weapon of warfare in Gaza, contradicting the findings of leading human rights organizations that have documented Israel's deliberate obstruction of food aid as Palestinians die of malnutrition. ...

The U.S. Agency for International Development has also determined that Israel has unlawfully impeded the delivery of humanitarian assistance to Gaza, leading to a 'deterioration of food security and nutrition in Gaza [that] is unprecedented in modern history.' ...

'The fact that Israel is using starvation as a weapon of war in Gaza is not in contention. It is clear as day,' Hiba Zayadin, a researcher at HRW, wrote in response to Biden's TIME interview, pointing to her group's December report that found the Israeli military was 'deliberately blocking the delivery of water, food, and fuel, while willfully impeding humanitarian assistance, apparently razing agricultural areas, and depriving the civilian population of objects indispensable to their survival.' "

-->The US media did not cover this story of Israel's purposeful starvation and Biden's denial. Starvation is almost always described as a byproduct of war, rather than a purposeful act and a crime against humanity. Could the US ever really report this brutal story?