Thursday, August 01, 2024

The New York Times:
"Venezuela’s Autocrat Is Declared Winner in Tainted Election. The result, which would give Nicolás Maduro six more years as president, was disputed by the opposition, and the United States said it had 'serious concerns.'

Venezuela’s authoritarian leader, Nicolás Maduro, was declared the winner of the country’s tumultuous presidential election early Monday, despite enormous momentum from an opposition movement that had been convinced this was the year it would oust Mr. Maduro’s socialist-inspired party.

The vote was riddled with irregularities, and citizens were angrily protesting the government’s actions at voting centers even as the results were announced. ... Mr. Maduro’s government has invented election results before, and this tally was immediately called into question by the opposition and by several officials in the region."

-->How many times can our newspaper of record express its distrust in the Venezuela's recent election? And what better example do we have of the NYT being the newspaper of the US Empire. Venezuela has the oil the Empire wants, and the effect this has on our free press is almost laughable. Any proof offered of all these accusations? Certainly not! The NYT doesn't even bother.


The Guardian UK:
"The G20 group of the world’s most powerful countries is exploring plans for a global minimum tax on the world’s 3,000 billionaires, aiming to end a 'race to the bottom' that has enabled the super-rich to pay less than the rest of the population.

Leaders gathering in São Paulo for a key G20 meeting of finance ministers and central bank governors are preparing to discuss an internationally agreed backstop on the taxation of hypermobile wealthy individuals, amid increasing global cooperation to tackle tax avoidance.

Aiming to build on the cooperation that resulted in a 15% global minimum tax on multinational companies, which came into effect in January, the plan is being promoted under Brazil’s presidency of the G20 before a summit of world leaders in Rio de Janeiro in autumn. ... 'Currently the richest people can avoid paying the same level of tax as other people who are less rich. We want to avoid such tax optimization,” Bruno Le Maire [France’s finance minister] told Reuters news agency before the meeting."

-->I don't see this story in the NYT, the favorite newspaper of the filthy rich. The very rich are the people our newspaper of record caters to. Why make them angry with all this socialist rhetoric?


Capitol Hill Citizen:
"In April 2024 Congress overwhelmingly passed and President Biden signed a military aid bill that provides $95 billion in war aid – including $61 billion to Ukraine, $8 billion to Taiwan and $26 billion to Israel in effect a genocide tax on the American people. ...

Out of the ashes of the Gaza slaughter and ongoing war in Ukraine is growing a new anti-war movement, with a special focus on the most powerful political force driving the U.S. support of the Gaza genocide – the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).

The new anti-AIPAC movement is building on increasing discontent in the American electorate with Israel’s assault on Gaza and its people. A March Gallup poll found that after narrowly backing Israel’s military action in Gaza in November, Americans now oppose the campaign by a solid margin.

-->The NYT coverage of Gaza is way down, despite the fact that the slaughter in Gaza is going on unabated. So the NYT wouldn't and didn't run a story like this, outlining the change in support for Israel's genocide.