Thursday, August 29, 2024

Common Dreams:

"Human rights defenders are calling out Western news outlets and political leaders for their conspicuous lack of coverage and vocalized condemnation after leaked video footage appeared to show Israeli soldiers gang-raping a Palestinian detainee in the notorious Sde Teiman prison and the release of a new report documenting systematic torture of prisoners held by Israel.

Earlier this week, Israel's Channel 12 aired a video showing Israel Defense Forces (IDF) reservists assaulting a Palestinian man at Sde Teiman, which is often called 'Israel's Guantánamo.' The victim was reportedly hospitalized with a severe anal injury, ruptured bowel, broken ribs, and lung damage. In addition to torture, former Sde Teiman detainees have described rampant rape and sexual abuse, allegedly often committed by female soldiers.  

Instead of avoiding the Sde Teiman rape story, Israeli media have aired an interview with one of the IDF suspects—who are being hailed as 'heroes' by far-right Israelis including multiple Cabinet ministers—and panel discussions including one in which a journalist called for 'institutionalized' rape of Palestinian prisoners. This, as Israeli leaders demanded an investigation of the rape video to find and punish whoever leaked the footage, and as Israeli lawmakers argue that it's permissible to rape Palestinian prisoners."

-->Any story that reveals the state supported war crimes of the Israeli government is bound to be censured in the US media. Let's face it, our media is often just propaganda when it comes to Israel.


Common Dreams:

"US Among Nations 'Brazenly' Flouting Arms Trade Treaty, 10 Years On: Amnesty 

As a treaty conference began, the human rights group called for an end to arms transfers to Israel and said that unlawful deals have led to 'devastating loss of life' in Gaza, Sudan, and Myanmar. 

Amnesty International on Monday called for an end to arms transfers to countries including Israel, Sudan, and Myanmar, saying they cause "devastating loss of life" and contravene the Arms Trade Treaty, the parties to which are meeting in Geneva, Switzerland this week. 

The United Nations treaty was signed by well over 100 countries in 2013 and went into effect in 2014, though 27 signatories, including the United States, the world's largest arms exporter, still haven't ratified the deal, which regulates the trade of conventional weapons including non-nuclear bombs, shells, and missiles. 

'Numerous governments continue to brazenly flout the rules, leading to a huge loss of life in conflict zones,' Patrick Wilcken, an Amnesty researcher, said in a statement. 'It is time for state parties to live up to their legal obligations and fully implement the Arms Trade Treaty, to prohibit the flow of arms to countries when it is known they would be used for genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes or if it could be used to commit or facilitate serious violations of international human rights or humanitarian law.' "

-->US involvement in this genocide is never on the US media agenda.


Common Dreams:

"Oil Change International on Tuesday released a report detailing fossil fuel transfers to Israel since its siege of Gaza began in October, arguing that the countries and companies responsible, which include the United States and U.S.-based multinationals, could be held liable for contributing to 'acts of genocide' under international law. 

Azerbaijan, Kazahstan, and Gabon are major suppliers of crude oil to Israel, as are Big Oil companies such as BP, Chevron, ExxonMobil, and Shell, according to the report, which comes from data that the U.S.-based advocacy group commissioned from Data Desk, an investigative consultancy. 

... More than half were sent after the International Court of Justice ruled on January 26 that Israel must take steps to prevent acts of genocide in Gaza and that some of Israel's acts 'appear to be capable of falling within the provisions of the [Genocide] Convention'—part of an ongoing judicial process. 

'Corporations supplying jet fuel and oil to Israel may be providing material support to the military, aware of its foreseeable harmful effects, and therefore risk complicity in war crimes, genocide, and other crimes under international law,' Irene Pietropaoli, a fellow in business and human rights at the British Institute of International and Comparative Law, said in a statement."

-->Very little US coverage of this story.