Wednesday, August 31, 2022

The NYT:

"Mr. Ortega’s already authoritarian rule tipped into systematic repression last year when it became clear that he lacked a popular mandate to win another term in the general elections held in November. To retain power, he turned the country into a one-party state, jailing all opposition presidential candidates and then moving to silence all other dissident voices."

-->The NYT coverage of Nicaragua is a textbook example of US propaganda. All through the 1980s, our "newspaper of record" railed against the Sandinista Revolution. It didn't matter what the NYT distorted; the US Pentagon always had their backs. And now that Ortega has been voted in by a huge plurality of 75%, our mainstream media is at it again. Why, it's "socialism" the NYT proclaims! What trash journalism from the empire's most sophisticated publication.

Well, was the election in Nicaragua a fraud? One has look outside the US to find an unbiased analysis. John Perry, writing for the Council on Hemispheric Affairs, concluded that "the massive fraud being alleged was very unlikely to have happened." And instead of referring to antidotal stories like the NYT article, Perry proves his point with pictures of the ballot and local polling. For those of us living in the empire, Perry's description of the Nicaraguan election shows a peaceful and functioning democracy, unlike the violent chaos that accompanied our last presidential election. Just whose democracy is really working for its people?


Common Dreams:

"Two Israeli ex-diplomats late this week publicly criticized their government's apartheid policies against Palestinians, with one former negotiator of the Oslo Accords calling the growing use of the word around the world a 'wakeup call' that must not be ignored.

Speaking Thursday at a United Nations Security Council session examining the long-term impacts of maintaining the status quo in illegally occupied Palestine, the former Oslo negotiator, Daniel Levy—who now heads the U.S./Middle East Project—said that denying basic human rights to Palestinians 'will never be a recipe for achieving sustainable security.'

'We know of certain developments that can at the same time be both politically uncomfortable and politically salient,' he added. 'The increasingly weighty body of scholarly, legal, and public opinion that has designated Israel to be perpetrating apartheid in the territories under its control is just such a development.'

'A designation made by Palestinian scholars and institutes, later examined by and endorsed by the Israeli human rights community led by B'Tselem, has now become the legal designation made by Human Rights Watch and this year by Amnesty International,' Levy said

-->Ever careful about Israel's image to the rest of the world, the NYT didn't print this story. Apartheid's days are numbered, and the NYT will be forever remembered for perpetuating this abomination in Palestine.  


NYPAN (New York Progressive Action Network)

"LAST WEEK, the New York Times took the unusual measure, even by its standards, of endorsing a self-funded candidate in New York’s 10th Congressional District. Millionaire Levi Strauss heir Dan Goldman earned the paper’s accolades after spending millions of his own money on the race, while the Times editorial board ignored two experienced, progressive women of color.

On Tuesday night, one of those women, New York State Assembly Member Yuh-Line Niou, was only 2 percent shy of beating Goldman, who received about a quarter of the total vote in the district. The slim difference led many observers to extol the virtues of ranked-choice voting, which likely would have united progressive votes against Goldman. Even though Niou appears poised to lose the count, she still has the opportunity to challenge Goldman in November on the Working Families Party ballot line, though the party has refrained from commenting on the option.

After Goldman declared victory on Tuesday night, the super PAC for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee announced that it had funded a super PAC that ran ads attacking Niou."

-->Yes, the NYT came out once again, for the rich white man running for Congress. The paper avoided the fact that millions had come from the Israel Lobby, and that Goldman had accused Yuh-Line Niou of supporting BDS, (boycott, divestment and sanctions). In truth, she was supporting all of our rights to boycott apartheid Israel.