Saturday, August 13, 2022

The Guardian UK:

"A report by Amnesty International accusing the Ukrainian army of endangering civilians has drawn criticism from western diplomats, including the British and US ambassadors to Ukraine, as the country’s president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, attacked its findings. 

The report accused the Ukrainian military of putting civilians at risk by positioning themselves in residential areas, saying that soldiers should not be basing themselves in empty schools or repurposing civilian buildings in urban areas as it meant the Russians would target them and civilians would be caught up in the crossfire.

But critics say the report was poorly researched and put together. They argue that the report ignores Ukraine’s wartime realities and draws moral equivalence between Russia, the aggressor, and Ukraine, the victim."

-->The NYT gets credit for at least printing this news story. But its coverage is almost entirely negative, while hinting that heads could role for Amnesty's analysis. Get in step with the war machine, Amnesty, while you still have a chance.


Venezuelan Analysis:

"Caracas, July 30, 2022 – Venezuelan authorities have blasted the latest court ruling in the struggle for control over 31 tonnes of gold stored in the Bank of England (BoE).

On Friday, the High Court of England and Wales decided in favor of opposition politician Juan Guaidó and dismissed a new effort by the Venezuelan Central Bank (BCV) to regain control over the reserves worth an estimated US $1.7 billion.

Caracas had brought to court the Venezuelan Supreme Court decrees stating that the parallel BCV board appointed by the US-backed opposition was illegal. However, judge Sara Cockerill decreed that the British Court could not recognize the rulings made by Venezuela’s highest judicial instance.

Since late 2018, the Bank of England has refused BCV requests to repatriate the gold reserves. In January 2019, Guaidó proclaimed himself 'interim president' and garnered immediate support from Washington."

-->If you limited yourself to reading the NYT, you wouldn't even know that the US and Britain are helping themselves to Venezuela's gold reserves. Why let the world know what happens when Third World countries invest their national treasure in Western Banks? Just look at the $9.5 billion the US owes to Afghanistan, money that won't be released despite millions of Afghan children facing starvation.  


The Intercept:

"THE AMERICAN ISRAEL PUBLIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE invested heavily in Michigan’s Democratic primaries on Tuesday, dropping over $8 million through its super PAC, United Democracy Project. Almost half of that spending went toward the race to unseat Democratic Rep. Andy Levin, who trailed fellow Rep. Haley Stevens with 40 to her 60 percent of the vote Wednesday morning.

Other conservative pro-Israel groups with deep ties to AIPAC — like Democratic Majority for Israel, Urban Empowerment Action PAC, and Pro-Israel America PAC — also made substantial financial investments in Michigan races. The right-wing Israel lobby spent over $10 million altogether across the state’s 11th, 12th, and 13th congressional districts, far outpacing any other interest group or the fundraising from the candidates themselves.

The campaign to defeat Levin marked a significant escalation in AIPAC’s push to quell criticism of Israel from Jewish members of Congress. 'I’m really Jewish,' Levin told MSNBC’s Mehdi Hasan last week, 'but AIPAC can’t stand the idea that I am the clearest, strongest Jewish voice in Congress standing for a simple proposition: that there is no way to have a secure, democratic homeland for the Jewish people unless we achieve the political and human rights of the Palestinian people.' ”

-->The NYT doesn't like to run stories on just how strong the Israel Lobby really is. It had just this one sentence to offer its readership: "The incumbent-on-incumbent race in a new (and safely blue) district drew heavy spending from pro-Israel groups."