The NYT:
-->"Changes to Flight Software on 737 Max Escaped F.A.A. Scrutiny." This NYT headline and story lets other aspects of this tragedy escape scrutiny as well. There is no mention in this front page article about the collusion between the F.A.A. and the plane's manufacturer, Boeing. To the NYT, it is all about technicalities, rather than the fact that Boeing was allowed to involve itself in most of the F.A.A. testing and conclusions. Read the article to get an appreciation of how deep this corporate corruption goes. The aviation industry has captured its government regulators, and the corporate media can't bring itself to even mention this most important fact.
Common Dreams:
"Leaked documents from France's military agency 'show that Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are overwhelmingly dependent on Western-produced weapon systems to wage their devastating war in Yemen,' The Intercept reported Monday. ...
'The reality is that countries that supply weapons to the Saudi-led coalition—having known for years that they may be used in unlawful attacks—risk complicity in committing grave violations of the laws of war,' Bénédicte Jeannerod and Wenzel Michalski, the French and German directors of Human Rights Watch, wrote in an op-ed published by the EU Observer last week. ...
The coalition's ongoing air war, coupled with a blockade of foreign food and medical aid, has left 20 million people in Yemen food insecure, with "half of them suffering extreme levels of hunger," according to United Nations data from February.
-->Yes, massive war crimes committed by Nato weapons manufacturers. Not something that the NYT would dwell on. Actually, our newspaper of record didn't cover the story at all.
Buzzfeed News:
"In early August, after months of heightened tension in the region, Israel carried out airstrikes in the Gaza. ... Meanwhile, another battle was just starting on social media.
On the Facebook page of the New York Times, under an article about the latest outbreak of violence, a user named Nancy Saada wrote that “over 150 missiles and mortar shells were fired at Israeli civilians and towns injuring 11 Israelis and sending over 1 million Israelis running to bomb shelters!” She said Israel had a right to defend itself against Hamas and appended the hashtags #FreeGazaFromHamas and #IsraelUnderFire.
The campaign, which targeted dozens of prominent international outlets, was organized through Act.IL, a smartphone app and website developed by former Israeli intelligence officers in collaboration with the Israeli government, and with financial backing from conservative American casino billionaire Sheldon Adelson."
-->Yes, astroturf wars in social media planned by Israel and paid for by the filth rich Zionist who helped elect Trump. The NYT is a no show when it comes to Israel's meddling into social media, showing the newspaper to be part of the problem rather than part of the solution.