Wednesday, April 10, 2019

The NYT:
-->Our newspaper of record is at it again, equating criticism of Israel and the Israel Lobby with antisemitism. In an article entitled "Extremes of Right and Left Share Ancient Bias," the NYT includes racist shootings and white nationalist dictators on the right. But things come to a sorry state when looking for antisemitism on the left. The Yellow Vest Movement in France? Ilhan Omar, newly elected to the House of Representatives, and Jeremy Corbyn, the leader of the Labour Party in England? It is simply preposterous reporting to equate criticism of Israeli apartheid on the left with mass shootings, grave desecrations, and racist white nationalist on the right. 

Yet this is the type of reporting that we get from our supposedly unbiased press. One suspects that the protection of Israel from criticism is the NYT top priority, and that the newspaper is willing to muddy the waters on what antisemitism really is to protect America's colony in the Middle East. 

The result of such article, of course, is to turn charges of antisemitism into a tool for the empire. Both Jews and Muslims must suffer for the continued existence of America's racist colony in the Middle East.


Common Dreams:
"Global Left Celebrates Sanders 2020 Bid as Chance to Build 'Worldwide Progressive Movement.' ...

'From South America to Europe to the Middle East, leftist leaders are celebrating his candidacy, viewing him as an iconic democratic socialist with the potential to lead a worldwide progressive movement at a time when right-wing populism is on the rise across the map,' Politico's Holly Otterbein reported Thursday.

'In Canada, Israel, Germany and Spain, progressive politicians have also hailed the Vermont senator on social media and in interviews,' Otterbein continued, 'often speaking favorably of his 'Medicare for All' proposal, noninterventionist foreign policy and advocacy for the 'Green New Deal.' "

-->None of this even faintly interests the NYT, which has a policy on Bernie: ignore, and when you can't do that, attack him. Would Trump be president if our major media hadn't blacked out news about Bernie during the campaign? Let's face it; corporate media would rather have a Trump than a Bernie Sanders.


The Guardian:
"Year of the lesbian mayor? On Tuesday Lori Lightfoot made history when she was elected the first openly LGBTQ and black female mayor of Chicago. ... However, while representation matters, it’s important to ask what Lightfoot actually represents. For many Chicago activists, Lightfoot, and her far-from-progressive record as a corporate lawyer and federal prosecutor, doesn’t represent the 'beginning of something a little bit different' but the continuation of an oppressive status quo.

'Black queer Chicagoans, especially those who are low-income, don’t merely predict oppressed people will suffer under the Lightfoot administration but know it,' wrote Benji Hart, a Chicago-based writer and educator in the Advocate. Hart argued that Lightfoot’s 'record already demonstrates a commitment to gentrification, disinvestment from poor communities of color, and impunity for an ever more militarized police force'. ...

Lightfoot’s plan to expand police presence in the city … and transform 38 closed public schools into mini-cop academies should concern every LGBTQ person in Chicago.”

-->It takes a foreign press to look beyond a candidate's surface appearance and see his/her real background. The the U.S. media loved Obama in the same simplistic way, even though he was backed by real estate interests and Wall Street. The Chicago deception.