The Intercept:
"Forensics Experts Challenged the FBI. So the FBI Tried to Censor Their Conference. ... Within the world of forensic science, the FBI’s laboratory has enjoyed an elevated status as a premiere facility — even though it has simultaneously endured criticism, as past practices in some forensic disciplines have been pilloried in the criminal legal system. In short, the FBI lab is not immune to the issues that have long plagued forensic science writ large. To date, false or misleading forensic evidence has been implicated in nearly 30 percent of the nation’s wrongful convictions.
Many consider standard forensic practices — like fingerprint examinations, ballistics and toolmarks comparisons, or blood pattern analysis — to be foolproof. But these practices were developed by law enforcement agencies for law enforcement, and not by scientists first subjecting them to standard, rigorous testing processes designed to ensure they stand on a solid scientific foundation.
That was the dirty little open secret of forensics in the criminal legal system until 2009, when a groundbreaking report from the National Academy of Sciences laid it bare: With the exception of standard DNA analysis, the report read, “no forensic method has been rigorously shown to have the capacity to consistently, and with a high degree of certainty, demonstrate a connection between evidence and a specific individual or source.”
-->The FBI is still trying to hide this valid criticism, and has recently tried to suppress the evidence. Still, this is a story that interested very few national media outlets.
The Electronic Intifada:
"Israeli troops were ordered to shoot and kill captive Israeli civilians on 7 October 2023, Israel’s then defense minister admitted this week. The order to carry out Israel’s so-called Hannibal Directive was issued 'tactically' and 'in various places' next to Gaza, Yoav Gallant told Israel’s Channel 12 on Thursday. ...
Contrary to Gallant’s statement that the Hannibal Directive was unevenly applied in different areas, Israeli newspaper Yediot Ahronot reported in January 2024 that at midday on 7 October, an unambiguous order was given from the high command of the Israeli military to invoke the Hannibal Directive across the entire region.
Israel’s response [to the attack] was to reactivate and unleash the Hannibal doctrine, extending it to Israeli civilians, as well as soldiers. Fire from Israeli helicopters, drones, tanks and even ground troops was deliberately unleashed, in a failed attempt to prevent Palestinian fighters from taking live Israeli captives who would then be later exchanged for Palestinian prisoners. Roughly 1,100 Israelis were killed. It is still unclear exactly how many of these were killed by Israelis and how many by Palestinians. One year on, an investigation by The Electronic Intifada found that at least 'hundreds' were killed by Israel."
-->This was not a popular story in the US media, which still does its best to make Hamas look bad and Israel look innocent.
In April 2024, 13 members of the Princeton University community, including 12 students and one post-doctoral researcher, were arrested for participating in a pro-Palestine sit-in at a building on the main campus in Princeton, New Jersey.
At the time, a wave of pro-Palestine protests against Israel's bombardment of Gaza was sweeping university campuses across the US, including at Princeton, where hundreds of students had set up an encampment to call on the university to cut ties with companies profiting from Israel's occupation of Palestine and its war on Gaza.
The university's refusal to negotiate with students spurred 13 activists on 29 April to collectively occupy Clio Hall, home to the graduate centre, and force administrators to the table. The Clio 13 - as they became known - were immediately arrested and temporarily banned from campus. Those living in university housing were reportedly evicted and stripped of access to medical care. They were also slapped with a four-year academic probation, which will leave a permanent stain on their academic records. ...
'Within the last year, Princeton’s administration has restricted free speech and increased surveillance on campus, including monitoring cell phone calls and summoning students for arbitrary interrogations with campus police.' Princeton Israeli Apartheid Divest said in a statement."
-->Campuses across the country are playing 1984 with their students. This is the final takeover of the Israel Lobby, whose millions of dollars in bribes have bought off most college administrators. Don't bother looking for this story in our mainstream media.
Each week, we cover the stories that are just left out of the
US propaganda machine. News that the people in charge, the
corporations and your government, want kept from the public eye.