Tuesday, September 24, 2024

"Nuland confirms West told Zelensky to abandon peace deal. Ukraine-Russia talks fell apart after Kiev asked foreign backers for advice, the former US deputy secretary of state has said. The US, UK and other backers of Ukraine told Kiev to reject the deal reached at the 2022 Istanbul peace talks with Russia, former US under secretary of state Victoria Nuland has said.

In an interview with Russian journalist Mikhail Zygar, ... on Thursday, Nuland was asked to comment on reports that the peace process between Moscow and Kiev in late March and early April 2022 collapsed after then-British Prime Minister Boris Johnson traveled to Ukraine and told Vladimir Zelensky to keep fighting.

Putin said last week that the only reason the Istanbul deal failed was because of 'the wish of the elites in the US and some European nations to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia,' adding that Boris Johnson served as the messenger to quash the peace process. The negotiations in Türkiye yielded a draft agreement, which would have ended the hostilities, Putin recalled. Kiev was willing to declare military neutrality, limit its armed forces, and vow not to discriminate against ethnic Russians. In return, Moscow would have joined other leading powers in offering Ukraine security guarantees, he stressed."

-->This is about as close to the truth as we are going to get from the US media. The US and Britain killed the agreement that Kiev and Russia wanted way back in 2022. What a waste of lives, and it isn't over yet. We are closer to nuclear war than we have ever been. Thanks, Democrats!


The Guardian UK:
"Relief groups have said more than 1 million people in Gaza will not have enough food this month, while trucks loaded with fresh vegetables or meat spoil waiting to cross Israeli checkpoints, and thousands of aid packages of food, medical supplies and even toothbrushes and shampoo remain stuck in a backlog of lorries unable to enter from Egypt.

'We estimate that over a million Gazans will go without food in September,' said Sam Rose, a senior deputy director of UN’s relief agency for Palestinians (Unrwa), in Gaza. 'Over half the medicines in our health centres are running low, as is chlorine for water purification and other basic supplies.'

He added that Unrwa had resorted to trying to import single items such as soap, because kits containing a range of items such as washing powder alongside it have been blocked from entering."

-->What did the NYT report on? It printed a huge article entitled "Hamas Uses Brutal Tactics To Keep Its Grip on Gaza." The story takes up lots of front page space and continues on two whole pages on the inside. Isn't the IDF showing a little brutality in their slaughter of 40,000 defenseless civilians, almost half of them children? Not according to the genocide's major newspaper.


"In an unsurprising yet telling development, Republican former Vice President Dick Cheney has thrown his support behind the Democratic presidential nominee, Vice President Kamala Harris, over his party’s candidate, framing former President Donald Trump as an unprecedented threat to the United States. On its face, this endorsement might appear as a principled defence of democracy from a longstanding Republican stalwart. But beneath the surface lies a troubling irony.

Cheney, the architect of some of the most disastrous foreign and domestic policies of the early 21st century, now seeks to claim the moral high ground. The legacy of his policies – particularly the havoc unleashed during the Iraq War and the broader “war on terror” – continues to reverberate globally, causing suffering and instability that far surpass anything Trump has wrought to date. ...

Embracing a man whose policies left a trail of death and destabilisation in their wake as a champion of American values lacks any semblance of moral clarity. Cheney, whose hands are stained with the blood of countless innocents from Iraq to Guantanamo, who undermined American democracy and terrorised countless innocent Americans under the “war on terror”, should not be celebrated, especially by someone seeking the mantle of progressive leadership."

-->The NYT didn't delve into Dick Cheney's blood splattered past. The empire's newspapers always forgives US war criminals, no matter how many they butcher. To our newspaper of record, Dick Cheney is just another "hawkish conservative."