Thursday, September 12, 2024

Hands Off Uhuru:
"Tampa, FL—The first week of the free speech trial of Chairman Omali Yeshitela, Penny Hess and Jesse Nevel left observers shaking their heads and asking how the government has dedicated 30 FBI agents over the course of 3 years, conducted military raids on peaceful U.S. residents, offered a $10 million reward for information and still has no case.

With only one witness left, the prosecution has failed to present any actual knowledge or evidence of the government’s baseless charges that the Uhuru 3 are 'secret pawns in a Russian government conspiracy to sow political discord and interfere in elections'.

The government has made the outlandish accusation that Omali Yeshitela, Chairman of the African People’s Socialist Party, as well as two leaders in the organization’s solidarity component Penny Hess and Jesse Nevel, were paid and under the control by the Russian government when they took a petition to the U.N. charging the U.S. with genocide, testified at U.N. hearings for reparations to African people, published an article opposing the ban on Russian athletes in the Olympics, ran for public office on a reparations platform and spoke out against the U.S./NATO proxy war using Ukraine against Russia.

-->With 30 FBI agents on the case, and three years worth of investigation, the government has failed spectacularly in proving that Uhuru is a Russian agent. But this case was about harassing and threatening Black activists in the US. It's the same thing that the FBI has always done. And we the people have put up with it all these years. Part of the failure is the fact that the NYT never covers a story like this.


Common Dreams:
"UN Expert Fears 'Almost the Entire Population' of Gaza Exterminated If Israel Not Stopped. The range of presumable direct and indirect deaths could be between 15 and 20% of the population already by the end of this year,' said U.N. Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese.

Reviewing a global public health expert's analysis of the probable ultimate death toll in Gaza from Israel's relentless assault, the United Nations special rapporteur on the occupied Palestinian territories said Friday that without a cease-fire, the Israel Defense Forces 'could end up exterminating almost the entire population in Gaza over the next couple of years.' ...

United Nations experts warned in July that Israel's 'targeted starvation campaign' has 'resulted in famine across all of Gaza,' with at least 34 Palestinians dying of malnutrition as hundreds of aid delivery trucks were stranded in Egypt, unable to cross into the enclave. "

-->Why should this be a surprise to the people of the United States? We have read about the genocide, and we have watched it on any number of flat screens. Will we ever admit to backing and arming this genocide? Is that who we really are, white racist warmongers dedicated to seeking war and carnage for profit. As long as the victims are always Black, that is.

Thursday, September 05, 2024

The Intercept: 
"In early August, Columbia University told Congress that most of the students arrested in the past year for protesting against Israel’s war on Gaza would be allowed to return to campus for the fall.

Then a congressional inquiry applied pressure. Last week, the Republican chair of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce, which has been conducting an inquiry into Columbia’s handling of the protests since this spring, published a letter blasting the school for not punishing students harshly enough and issued a subpoena for internal records.

Rep. Virginia Foxx, R-N.C, accused the university of having “waved the white flag in surrender while offering up a get-out-of-jail-free card” to student protesters. She further blamed 'radical students and faculty' for interrupting the disciplinary process, and called protesters 'antisemites.' (Students are facing accusations of violating the school’s policies on protest, and not harassment or bias against Jewish students.) Foxx then subpoenaed the university later in the week for records related to the protests, including communication among administrators in handling of encampments, meeting minutes from the board of trustees, and documentation of alleged antisemitic incidents on campus."

-->The NYT didn't print this story. Maybe it was just too pathetic, with another top university caving into crude attacks by Republican lawmakers. But shouldn't readers be made aware of how freedom of speech is under attack on US campuses?


"I was a senior producer on Phil’s short-lived MSNBC primetime show in 2002 and 2003. It was frustrating for us to have to deal with the men Phil called 'the suits'—NBC and MSNBC executives who were intimidated by the Bush administration, and resisted any efforts by NBC/MSNBC to practice journalism and ask tough questions of Washington before our young people were sent to Iraq to kill or be killed. Ultimately, Phil was fired because—as the leaked internal memo said—Donahue represented 'a difficult public face for NBC at a time of war.' ...

But 'the suits' ruined our show when they took control and actually mandated a quota system favoring the right wing: If we had booked one guest who was antiwar, we needed to book two that were pro-war. If we had two guests on the left, we needed three on the right. When a producer suggested booking Michael Moore—known to oppose the pending Iraq War—she was told she’d need to book three right-wingers for political balance.

Three weeks before the Iraq war started, and after some of the biggest antiwar mobilizations the world had ever seen (which were barely covered on mainstream TV), the suits at NBC/MSNBC terminated our show."

-->This quote by Jeff Cohen was hardly our mainstream media's take on Phil Donahue. In fact, the NYT used its obituary to tell one more lie about Donahue's career, that he was fired for bad ratings. But internal memos have long ago pointed out why MSNBC let him go right before the Iraq invasion. General Electric, one of the owners of the station, stood to make huge profits from this war. Donahue was fired because he questioned all the war lies, and the NYT can't get it right twenty years later.


"The UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) has accused the Israeli government of 'buying ads on Google to block users from giving donations' to the agency. UNRWA Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini said in a post on X that Israel’s attempts to defame the agency both harm its reputation and put the lives of its staff at risk.

'These deliberate efforts to spread misinformation should stop and be investigated,' Lazzarini wrote on Saturday, calling for more regulations for companies, including social media platforms, to combat disinformation and hate speech.

Israel has campaigned for years against UNRWA, the main organisation delivering humanitarian aid to Palestinians in the occupied Palestinian territory and providing services for Palestinian refugees in other countries since 1949, claiming it has connections with 'terrorists' and lobbying for its closure."

-->Israel is attacking the major relief effort for Palestine. All part of the planned genocide, and all kept out of the NYT news coverage.