Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Common Dreams:
The global humanitarian group Oxfam condemned the Israeli military on Thursday for attempting to force hundreds of thousands of Gaza civilians out of the eastern part of Khan Younis and into overcrowded parts of the besieged territory with no guarantee of safety or humanitarian assistance.

'Pushing hundreds of thousands more people into what is essentially a death trap, devoid of any facilities, is barbaric and a breach of International Humanitarian Law,' said Sally Abi Khalil, Oxfam's Middle East director. 'Yet again, we are seeing vast numbers of people being forced to flee under Israeli military orders, with no heed for their safety or dignity.' ...

'None of the declared safe routes in Gaza are actually safe,' the group said. 'Israel's military has also systematically attacked civilians and aid workers, including in those clearly marked 'safe zones' and 'evacuation routes.' Israel has repeatedly failed to comply with international law, which compels it to take all possible measures to ensure satisfactory conditions of shelter, hygiene, health, safety, and nutrition, and that family members are not separated."

-->American audiences don't get these nitty gritty tails of Israel's genocide of men, women, and children. Very few US media outlets carried Oxfam's story.


Common Dreams:
"Former Officials Say US Has 'Undeniable Complicity' in Israeli Killing, Forced Starvation of Palestinians in Gaza.

Former Biden administration officials on Tuesday sharply criticized its Gaza policy, arguing that the continued supply of weapons to Israel is not only 'morally reprehensible' but also a violation of U.S. and international law.

In a joint statement, 12 officials who've resigned in protest in the last nine months set forth a list of recommendations and urged their former colleagues in the administration to use American leverage to help bring an end to the assault on Gaza.

'The administration's policy in Gaza is a failure and a threat to U.S. national security,' the statement says. 'America's diplomatic cover for, and continuous flow of arms to, Israel has ensured our undeniable complicity in the killings and forced starvation of a besieged Palestinian population in Gaza.' "

-->Another story that points to the US role in Genocide. Again, the US media has avoided this story, preferring to obscure the war crimes being done to Palestinians. Does that mean our country is responsible for Genocide as much as Israel is? Why, that is exactly what it means.


Common Dreams:
"The US, Isolated on Ukraine and Gaza. Turns to Allies That Speak Its Language.

Wherever he travels globally, U.S. President Joe Biden has sought to project the United States as the rejuvenated leader of a broad coalition of democratic nations seeking to defend the 'rules-based international order' against encroachments by hostile autocratic powers, especially China, Russia, and North Korea. 'We established NATO, the greatest military alliance in the history of the world,' he told veterans of D-Day while at Normandy, France on June 6. 'Today… NATO is more united than ever and even more prepared to keep the peace, deter aggression, defend freedom all around the world.' ...

But all of his soaring rhetoric on the subject scarcely conceals an inescapable reality: The United States is more isolated internationally than at any time since the Cold War ended in 1991. It has also increasingly come to rely on a tight-knit group of allies, all of whom are primarily English-speaking and are part of the Anglo-Saxon colonial diaspora. Rarely mentioned in the Western media, the Anglo-Saxonization of American foreign and military policy has become a distinctive—and provocative—feature of the Biden presidency."

-Our national news never questions the Pentagon's alliances, or its war crimes. Maybe some citizens would question the wisdom of this US isolation. That is if they ever heard it on our national news.