Wednesday, May 03, 2023

The Progressive:
"The U.S. corporate media’s first response to the leaking of secret documents about the war in Ukraine was to throw some mud in the water, declare 'nothing to see here,' and cover it as a depoliticized crime story about a twenty-one-year-old Air National Guard member who published secret documents to impress his friends. President Joe Biden dismissed the leaks as revealing nothing of 'great consequence.'

What these documents reveal, however, is that the war is going worse for Ukraine than our political leaders have admitted to us. It’s going badly for Russia, too, meaning that neither side is likely to break the stalemate this year and we’ll likely see 'a protracted war beyond 2023,' as one of the documents says.

The publication of these assessments should lead to renewed calls for our government to level with the public about what it realistically hopes to achieve by prolonging the bloodshed, and why it continues to reject the resumption of the promising peace negotiations it blocked in April 2022.

We believe that blocking those talks was a dreadful mistake—the Biden Administration capitulated to the warmongering, since-disgraced U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson, and current U.S. policy is compounding that mistake at the cost of tens of thousands more Ukrainian lives and the destruction of even more swaths of their country."

-->As if on cue, the NYT issued a "News Analysis" that turned the secret documents into a call for more US weaponry. "Pentagon Leaks: New Twists in a Familiar Plot. Some in Ukraine even welcomed the disclosures as confirming what they have been saying for months — that its forces desperately need more weapons and munitions."

That's a little bit like calling the famous "Pentagon Papers" leak a compelling reason to drop more Agent Orange on Vietnam. The truth is that the US can't win, not that we should spend billions more on a hopeless war. A war, by the way, that could spread all over the globe and end in a nuclear conflict.

But the NYT is committed to this larger war, and intent on spreading as much Cold War Propaganda as possible. I hear liberals talking about how Ukraine is a battle for freedom and democracy. There is a battle, no doubt, but it is right here at home, where the elites and their favorite newspaper have decided it's time for World War III.

As Mark Antony urges his followers in Julius Caesar: "Cry havoc, let slip the dogs of war." 


Democracy Now!
"[While] the United States sometimes talks about a rule-based order, the fact of the matter is that the U.S. grand strategy, if we can use that term of the grand strategists of the U.S. state — see our grand strategy in the United States as being dominance. And I often refer to an article that I think is very clear, succinct and revealing by a former colleague of mine at Harvard University, Robert Blackwill, an esteemed ambassador of the United States, who wrote in 2015 — and I’ll quote from the article — “Since its founding, the United States has consistently pursued a grand strategy focused on acquiring and maintaining preeminent power over various rivals, first on the North American continent, then in the Western Hemisphere, and finally globally.”

Well, China doesn’t want the United States to be the preeminent power. It wants to live alongside the United States. Blackwill, writing in 2015, said China’s rise is a threat to U.S. preeminence. And he laid out a series of steps that the Biden administration actually is following almost step by step. What Blackwill laid out already back in 2015 is that the United States should create, quote, 'new preferential trading arrangements among U.S. friends and allies to increase their mutual gains through instruments that consciously exclude China.' There should be 'a technology-control regime' to block China’s strategic capabilities, a build-up of, quote, 'power-political capacities of U.S. friends and allies on China’s periphery' and strengthened U.S. military forces along the Asian rimland despite any Chinese opposition. This has become the Biden foreign policy. China knows it. China really is pushing back." - Jeffrey Sachs

-->These two stories really go together. One is about war against Russia, and the other is about war against China. But like Hitler's decision to invade Russia in the Second World War, I think US current foreign policy is all about racism, and the underestimation of one's potential enemies.

Hitler and his generals thought they were going to war against an inferior people and culture. They thought that Russia would fall by the end of the summer, giving up its vast oil reserves to the Third Reich. But the first villages that the Nazi tanks rolled into, fought to the death. Within a month, it was clear that Germany's attack on Russia, Operation Barbarossa, was a fight to the death.

Attacking China and Russia is also a fight to the death, the death of all three countries. Given the nuclear weaponry that these countries have, it could be the end of human life on earth. So you think that can't happen, mainly because you don't know what to do about it. The two war parties that run our country aren't listening, hoping that all their pro war propaganda will win over the American people. Resist US imperialism before it is too late.