Wednesday, April 13, 2022


"Jewish Federation of Northeastern New York (JFNENY) will host an in-person Ukraine support rally at Temple Israel."

-->That was the lead in to Alan Chartock and Hank Greenberg discussing Ukraine on NPR early morning radio. They talked about how the Jewish Federation has always supported human rights, and that standing against racism has always been part of the Jewish experience in this country and abroad. Alan agreed, and commended Greenberg's recent trip to Poland to study the refuge problem created by the war in Ukraine. 

What wasn't mentioned? Well the fact that Israel treats its 5 million Palestines like dirt in the occupied territories, the West Bank and Gaza. For decades, Palestinians have been beaten and shot for demanding the very same thing that Hank Greenberg so highly recommends for the Ukrainian people. 

Jewish Voice For Peace has raised some other troubling information about how Jewish Federation groups have funded Islamophobia in the US. Far from resisting racism against Muslims, these groups have funneled millions into hate campaigns.

"Despite its stated commitment to 'stand together to say NO to all forms of hate,' the Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago (JUF) funneled hundreds of thousands of dollars between the years 2011-2014 to groups the Southern Poverty Law Center labels 'anti-Muslim fear mongers." -JVP report March 2017

Are there awards for hypocrisy? If there are, then Alan Chartock and Hank Greenberg would surely be among the top contenders. 


Common Dreams:

"It is exceedingly rare for a major congressional committee to hold hearings on 'corporate greed' leading to corporate profiteering and surging prices on consumer goods. On April 5, 2022, Senate Budget Chairman, Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) chartered uncensored territory on corporate avarice with a lead witness, former Secretary of Labor, Robert Reich, now a professor at the University of California, Berkeley.

Although the hearing covered bread and butter issues, the mainstream corporate media ignored it. Massive coverage of the war in Ukraine does not offend advertisers, while the corporate war on consumers directly involves corporate advertisers.

Corporate greed takes hundreds of thousands of American lives every year (think the opioid disaster, the tobacco cancer business, the toxins in the air and water), not to mention injuries and illnesses stemming from corporations that put extra profit over concerns about public health and safety." -Ralph Nader

-->Blame Putin and the Russians all the time, rather than looking at corporate greed. That seems to be the formula for Biden and most Democrats. And our mainstream media goes right along with it.



"In case you missed it, Harvard Law School’s International Human Rights Clinic (IHRC) lately issued a report that finds Israel’s treatment of Palestinians on the West Bank amounts to the crime of apartheid. The study, 'Apartheid in the Occupied West Bank: A Legal Analysis of Israel’s Actions' came out on February 28 in the wake of five longer, wider-ranging, apartheid reports published since 2020 – and just before the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in the occupied Palestinian territories published another apartheid report on March 21.

Prepared by the law school’s human rights clinic in partnership with Ramallah-based Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association, the report was released without fanfare and received minimal press coverage. And it has, so far, drawn no public condemnation by the Israel lobby. ... Although only 22 pages long, the report includes 130 footnotes that deftly back up the text and let readers drill down further. The narrow focus shines a searching light on the customized legal instruments and processes implemented since 1967 to deprive West Bank Palestinians of their human, civil and political rights.

The precise description of the lawfare by which Israel has, with impunity, intimidated, confused, humiliated, bullied, imprisoned, tortured and killed Palestinians since 1967 generates a compelling cumulative impact. Individual items in the litany are not in themselves news but to see them depicted in their coordinated entirety is to see how the Israeli machine of injustice does its anti-human work."

-->Our media, including the NYT deals with news like this by simply burying it until a later date. For example, the NYT has just acknowledged Amnesty's report on Israel being an apartheid state. That story is weeks old, but the delay reveals what the Israel Lobby has done to our country's free press.