Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Common Dreams:

"Exiled American whistleblower Edward Snowden on Friday joined global critics who are decrying news outlets for encouraging war with their coverage of rising tensions between the United States and Russia—where he has lived since 2013—over Ukraine.

'There is nothing more grotesque than a media pushing for war,' Snowden tweeted.

After a flood of responses—some highlighting that Russian President Vladimir Putin has stationed over 100,000 troops near his country's border with Ukraine and is conducting military exercises in Belarus—Snowden doubled down on his anti-war message.

'When you see snide quote-tweets of this from the boot-licking think-tank crowd, look at the ratio and remember that even if they're loud, they are in the minority,' he said. 'Being pro-war is not smart, cool, or sophisticated, and their performative outrage doesn't change that.' "

-->The NYT as well as much of the US media didn't report Snowden's comments. In fact, voices of reason are hard to come by in the US, when the warmongers start their chant for military confrontation. It is by far a Democratic Party problem; the party that runs on peace has developed a taste for the millions offered by the weapons industry. No thoughts about what a third world war would look like. As Albert Einstein said once, “I do not know with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.”


The Guardian UK:

"One in three people across America have detectable levels of a toxic herbicide linked to cancers, birth defects and hormonal imbalances, a major nationwide survey has found. Human exposure to the herbicide 2,4-D has substantially risen amid expanding use among farmers despite a multitude of health and environmental concerns, according to the first nationally representative study evaluating the footprint of the chemical.

The herbicide was developed in the mid-1940s and quickly became the go-to weedkiller for farmers focused on increasing crop yields, while also gaining popularity among gardeners looking for a pristine lawn. Its popularity dipped in favor of Roundup (glyphosate) and genetically modified cotton and soyabeans resistant to this herbicide, but it has seen a resurgence since the spread of Roundup-resistant weeds. ...

Overall, the amount of 2,4-D applied in agriculture increased 67% between 2012 and 2020, but its use will almost certainly grow sharply over the next decade due to the widespread use of the controversial weedkiller Enlist Duo – a relatively newly approved combo (2,4-D and glyphosate) for genetically modified crops. This will make both toxins – which are both banned in some countries – increasingly difficult to avoid."

-->The NYT is always out to lunch when it comes to reporting on weedkillers and cancer. Our newspaper of record has long been in bed with our irresponsible chemical companies. When it does cover Rounduip and 2,4-D, it offers us articles like "Attack of the Superweeds" (Aug 18, 2021). As if those nasty weeds are all we have to worry about. 


Common dreams:

"Honduras' new leftist president on Wednesday intervened to halt a court-ordered eviction of an Indigenous community from their ancestral lands following violent scenes of the attempted forced removal by police earlier in the day.

Human Rights Minister Natalie Roque shared on social media that, with orders from President Xiomara Castro, lawyers and officials from her office went to the Tierras del Padre community, located just south of the capital of Tegucigalpa, to stop the evictions, saying the suspension was in accordance with the law and authorized by the state.

'We are not going to tolerate any aggression or blow against a pregnant woman or against a citizen or against a child,' presidential adviser Pedro Amador said on the scene, according to a video circulated on social media."

-->Don't expect much good news about Honduras in the NYT, now that the US supported dictator has been voted out. From now on, all we the readers will get is Pentagon propaganda against the new president. The US media is so predicable! This story didn't get reported.