Common Dreams:
"Establishment Democrats Panic at Possibility Bernie Sanders Could Be 2020 Nominee. 'The knives are out.'
As Sen. Bernie Sanders continues to rise in polls for early primary states Iowa and New Hampshire and nationally, the Democratic establishment is turning to pleading with voters, attacking the Vermont lawmaker, and plotting a coordinated strike against the campaign as possible avenues of pushback.
According to the Daily Beast's reporting Monday, those knives may be wielded by the Democratic Majority for Israel, a group run by pollster Mark Mellman. The group has bought tens of thousands of dollars in ads in Iowa, the Beast reported."
-->The knives are out for Bernie, especially from the Israel Lobby. But the NYT didn't report that. Our newspaper of record has been bashing Bernie for the last several years, eager to do the dirty work for the corporate Democrats and the right wing Zionists.
Common Dreams:
"Medicare for All 'Is What Patients Need': New Harvard Study Shows Even Those With Private Insurance Can't Afford Care. 'When so many people can't get the care they need even when they have insurance coverage, it says that insurance is not doing what it is supposed to do: ensure that healthcare is affordable when you need it.'
The for-profit U.S. healthcare system is so broken that a growing number of people who are fortunate enough to have private insurance coverage are still unable to afford doctor visits and other essential services due to soaring costs—leaving a larger number of Americans with more unmet medical needs today than there were two decades ago.
That's a central finding of a new study by Harvard University researchers published Monday in the peer-reviewed journal JAMA Internal Medicine, examining 20 years of government data between 1998 and 2017."
-->The NYT didn't report this story. The interests of insurance, pharmaceutical, and private healthcare companies always comes first.
Common Dreams:
"Denouncing Trump Plan as 'Unacceptable,' Sanders Declares It Is Time to 'End the Israeli Occupation.' 'Trump's so-called 'peace deal,' warned the White House hopeful, 'will only perpetuate the conflict, and undermine the security interests of Americans, Israelis, and Palestinians.' ...
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), one of Sanders' rivals in the primary race, tweeted Tuesday that 'Trump's 'peace plan' is a rubber stamp for annexation and offers no chance for a real Palestinian state.'
'Releasing a plan without negotiating with Palestinians isn't diplomacy, it's a sham,' Warren added. 'I will oppose unilateral annexation in any form—and reverse any policy that supports it.' "
-->The NYT likes to omit any criticism of Israeli apartheid, and it didn't print this story either.