The Guardian UK
"US seeks to quell global outrage over Jerusalem ... On Friday, 14 of the 15 members of the United Nations security council, including close friends such as Britain and France, excoriated the president’s decision. The US found no solace with allies in the Arab League, which condemned the decision as a 'dangerous violation of international law' that 'deepens tension, ignites anger and threatens to plunge region into more violence and chaos'."
-->Contrast this world reaction to the opinion page of The NYT on Saturday. "Jerusalem Denial Complex" is the title of one article that goes on to blame Arafat's reluctance at Camp David. The second article entitled "There Was NonPeace Process for Trump to Destroy" points to Palestinian "disunity and the cultivation of victimhood" for the current problem. "At least [Trump's] statement recognizes a reality" the article urges its readers. It is all the fault of the Palestinians.
After months of bashing Trump for collusion with Russia, our newspaper of record bends over backwards to defend his giveaway to Israel. It is a good lesson in how the US mainstream media protects this apartheid state.
The Guardian UK:
"Crisis of Honduras democracy has roots in US tacit support for 2009 coup. Since the 26 November vote, at least 11 people have died in clashes with security forces, and tens of thousands of people have taken to the streets in protest over an electoral process marked by suspicious delays, inexplicable irregularities – and opposition claims that the ruling party is trying to steal the election. ...
Honduras has long been a strategic partner for Washington: since 2009, the US has invested nearly $114m in security assistance to establish elite military and police units, ratchet up border security, and carry out counternarcotics operations as part of Hernández’s crackdown on gangs. ...
Despite the crisis, however, Reuters reported this week that the US had quietly certified Honduras for making progress in fighting corruption and improving human rights, freeing up millions in US assistance."
-->Finally an article that ties US support for the dictatorship and the Honduran military to the current election fraud. Honduras is a puppet of the empire, and there is no end to the suffering of its population. Don't bother finding this story in US mainstream media.
The Guardian UK:
"Conservative Weekly Standard to aid in Facebook fact-checks, prompting outcry. A conservative news organization has been approved to partner with Facebook to fact-check false news, drawing criticisms that the social media company is caving to rightwing pressures and collaborating with a publication that has previously spread propaganda. ...
The conservative pundits Bill Kristol, Fred Barnes and John Podhoretz launched the Weekly Standard in 1995, with support from the media mogul Rupert Murdoch, aimed at countering successful liberal publications, such as the Nation. ...
Calling the magazine a “serial misinformer”, Media Matters cited the Weekly Standard’s role in pushing false and misleading claims about Obamacare, Hillary Clinton and other political stories. In recent years, the magazine also faced backlash for giving a platform to a contrarian climate scientist and for sending an anti-gay marketing email warning of the 'homosexual lobby' and its 'perverted vision for a homosexual America'. "
-->The left has no friend in Facebook. It will do whatever makes the most money, and pleases corporate interests. The NYT didn't cover this story, because it does virtually the same thing.