"A new UN report has strongly condemned Israel for the 'de-development' and 'deteriorating humanitarian conditions' of the Palestinian territories of East Jerusalem, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, brought about by Israel's 50-year occupation.
The report by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), published on Tuesday, said the performance of the Palestinian economy is 'far below potential', while unemployment has persisted at levels rarely seen worldwide since the Great Depression.
'2017 marks the fiftieth anniversary of the Israeli occupation of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem; the longest occupation in recent history. For the Palestinian people, these were five decades of de-development, suppressed human potential and denial of the basic human right to development, with no end in sight,' the report states."
-->The NYT often omits articles critical of Israel's treatment of the Palestinians. At times our supposed newspaper of record is little more than Zionist propaganda. It didn't cover this story.
Common Dreams:
"While the world's richest stash trillions away for themselves, outlandish levels of inequality are increasing the suffering of the poor and hamstringing the global community's ability to address humanity's most pressing concerns.
'We are witnessing some of the greatest challenges the world has ever seen, without the global commitment to deliver change.' —Saad Alfarargi, U.N. Human Rights Council
That is the picture painted when pairing new research that shows an estimated $8 trillion—or more than 10 percent of global gross domestic product (GDP)—was stashed in offshore tax havens as of 2015 with a new report by a UN human rights expert that warns impoverished people are 'paying a heavy price' for what he calls 'negative global trends,' including climate change, financial schemes, and privatization programs that 'have their harshest impacts on the poorest sections of society.' "
-->NYT news is written for the class that stashes millions in offshore tax havens. It didn't cover this story of unbridled greed.
The Guardian UK:
"Chelsea Manning has accused Harvard University of caving into pressure from the CIA in reversing its invitation to her to become a visiting fellow, in what the former US soldier and whistleblower described as a 'police state'.
In her first spoken comments on the Harvard debacle, Manning told a conference on Sunday that the university’s abrupt U-turn over the invitation, made in the face of fierce criticism from senior figures in the CIA, marked the end of free political debate in academic institutions.
'So this is one of the American government institutions [the CIA] telling one of the American academic institutions [Harvard], no, you cannot bring this to your school,' she said. 'And that’s what that was. This is a police state. This is a military intelligence and it is a police state in which we can no longer engage in actual political discourse in our institutions.' ”
-->The NYT didn't let Chelsea's words get in the way of pro CIA/Harvard reporting. It printed an op-ed entitled: "When Transgender Trumps Treachery." Another article featured a Kennedy School professor saying that Harvard had "struck the right balance." His liberal credentials? He had "supported Hillary Clinton in the last election."