Wednesday, February 20, 2008


In the last two months, more than a hundred people have been killed by the Israeli occupation forces in the Gaza Strip, including many civilians, women and children.

Thirty people have died in the last month for lack of medical care brought on by the embargo. Only two weeks ago, we saw the appalling sight of over 40 women and children seriously injured when an Israeli F-16 dropped an enormous bomb in the middle of the densely populated Gaza City, a few meters from a wedding party.

But when it comes to reporting from Gaza, the US media is missing in action. Americans just don't find out about Israeli human rights abuses.


The UN's chief torture investigator criticized the US government yesterday for defending the use of "waterboarding", an interrogation method often described as a form of torture. Manfred Nowak, the special reporter on torture, said: "This is absolutely unacceptable under international human rights law. [The] time has come that the government will actually acknowledge that they did something wrong and not continue trying to justify what is unjustifiable."

The reporter assigned to this story by the NY Times must have been sent to Guantanamo. Not a word was printed about this story.


But the NY Times was busy with other "big" stories, like steroid use by a famous athletes. Eight stories were run on steroids in a one week period.

And if it is wasn't 't bad enough that 40 members of Congress wasted their time on Roger Clemens's history of steroid use, we have the NY Times to put the long and boring story on its front page, complete with pictures.

We are at war, facing a recession, and the dollar is tanking. We have a president defending the use of torture and demanding the right to eavesdrop on every American. But the NY Times is writing about just who injected a baseball player's buttocks with drugs.

The real story, of course, is how the current Democrat House is without a clue, incapable of doing anything about a fascist leaning administration and an economic meltdown. But the NY Times will never print a story like that. Too critical of our political process and too revealing of empire. And much too accurate for a publication dedicated to feel-good propaganda about the United States.


Across the world, a dangerous rumor has spread that could have catastrophic implications. According to legend, Iran's President has threatened to destroy Israel. But was this statement ever made?

One word in the original quote always cited "rezhim-e" means "Regime." The word "map" was never used, nor was the western phrase "wipe out." Yet we are led to believe that Iran's President threatened to "wipe Israel off the map", despite never having uttered the words "map", "wipe out" or even "Israel."

The direct translation of the original quote is: "The Imam said this regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time" (Iran's president was, in fact, quoting what another Imam had said). Could this quote have been manufactured by our intelligence as another incentive to go to war?