Thursday, October 17, 2024

Middle East Monitor:
"In a statement to the UN General Assembly, Lisa Doughten from OCHA warned of the dire humanitarian situation in the occupied West Bank and Gaza, saying the besieged Strip 'is home to the largest cohort of child amputees in modern history'. ‘Each day 10 children are losing 1 or both of their legs,' she said, adding that women are 3 times more likely to suffer miscarriages as a result of Israel's bombing campaign. ...

'We cannot claim ignorance to what is happening — nor can we afford to look away,' she emphasised, repeating calls for the Council and Member States to act, adding: 'These atrocities must end.'

She warned that the systematic and permanent targeting of the health sector has deprived more than two million people in the Gaza Strip of receiving basic health services, where more than 50,000 pregnant women are deprived of maternity care."

-->Hard facts like this are often missing in our pro-Zionist media. The NYT didn't cover this story, but did have a comprehensive report this Sunday from doctors and nurses in Gaza.


Common Dreams:
"Corporate agribusinesses are playing fast and loose with the rules by choosing friendly compliant certifiers—and when they are caught in the act, the USDA often fails to take action.

Some of the oldest and largest U.S. Department of Agriculture-accredited certifiers have partnered with corporate agribusiness to change the working definition of organics, allowing large livestock factories; certified, uninspected imports; and soilless hydroponic produce grown in giant industrial greenhouses to be certified organic.

Organic certifiers are mixing lobbying, marketing, and activism with their certification responsibilities, and taking payola from the clients they certify. They are also certifying 'producer groups' in Eastern Europe, Central America, and Asia without inspecting and certifying each individual farm. This is against the law and an egregious conflict of interest—and it’s crushing U.S. farmers in the marketplace while raking in billions of dollars in profit for these large certifiers."

-->The NYT and most of our major media didn't cover this story, although the New Yorker did. I think this news makes our USDA regulatory system look bad, not something that our corporate controlled press worries too much about.


Common Dreams:
"The Israeli military has over the past year released triumphant videos of airstrikes in Gaza that are linked to hundreds of civilian deaths, according to an investigation published Wednesday by Sky News and Airwars, a watchdog group.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) posted videos of 1,219 strikes between October 7, 2023 and August 31—the period studied—nearly half of which came from the first month of the war. The IDF often overlays captions citing Hamas targets. Most of the videos are grainy, with people on the ground not visible, deaths not directly evident, and locations unclear.

Airwars used geolocation data to match 17 of the strikes to specific incidents in which Palestinians were reported killed or injured. The newly released investigation includes detailed reports on each of the 17 strikes, which together killed 448 civilians.
'This is incredible work by Airwars clearly showing how Israeli targeting practices are way below acceptable legal standards,' Alonso Gurmendi, a human rights fellow and war expert at the London School of Economics and Political Science, wrote on social media."

-->This story was not reported in the NYT. Nor was it printed in any of the US major media. Actual studies of Israel's war crimes are hard to find in the US.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

"Forces from the US Central Command (CENTCOM), the military command responsible for US forces in the Middle East, 'conducted strikes on 15 Houthi targets in Iranian-backed Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen today', it said on X on Friday.

Four strikes targeted Sanaa and seven hit Hodeidah, according to the Houthi-run Al Masirah TV network. Correspondents with the AFP news agency also reported hearing loud explosions in both cities. ...

Footage on social media verified by Al Jazeera’s fact-checking agency showed large plumes of smoke resulting from the strikes in Hodeidah. ... On Friday, thousands of people took to the streets of Sanaa to express solidarity with the Palestinians and Lebanese people amid intensified attacks by Israel.

'The aggression on the capital and Yemeni governorates after the … solidarity marches with Lebanon and Gaza is a desperate attempt to terrorise our people,' Houthi official Hashem Sharaf told Al Masirah. 'Yemen will not be deterred by these attacks and will continue its steadfastness in confronting the enemies with all its strength.' "

-->The NYT didn't cover this story. With US bases in 800 locations throughout the world, how can one newspaper report all the wars and occupations our troops are involved in, especially when they take place in the Middle East? In fact, our newspaper of record my be purposely leaving out US military action since there is so very much of it.


Common Dreams:
" 'I'm afraid first about my safety and about my family's safety because there's no safe place in Lebanon now,' said one physician.

The head of the United Nations World Health Organization said Thursday that Israeli forces killed 28 healthcare workers in Lebanon over the previous 24 hours, and that 73 medical personnel are among the nearly 2,000 Lebanese killed during Israel's bombing and invasion of its northern neighbor.

'In southern Lebanon, 37 health facilities have been closed, while in Beirut, three hospitals have been forced to fully evacuate staff and patients, and another two were partially evacuated,' WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said during a press conference in Geneva. 'And yet healthcare continues to come under attack. In Lebanon alone, 28 health workers have been killed in the last 24 hours.' ...

Hundreds of Palestinians working in the health sector have been killed in Gaza by Israeli forces, who have deliberately targeted medical workers. Israeli troops have also allegedly tortured doctors and other medical workers after kidnapping them from the coastal enclave."

-->This is how Israel wages war, in an attempt to kill as many Palestinians as possible. Maybe that is why the NYT did not cover this story. The foremost newspaper in the US just happens to be a pro genocide rag, determined to make Israel look less like the failed state then it is.


Savage Minds on Substack:
"My naïveté was believing in the law. When push comes to shove, laws are just pieces of paper, and they can be reinterpreted for political expediency.

They are the rules made by the ruling class more broadly. And if those rules don’t suit what it wants to do, it reinterprets them or hopefully, changes them, which is clearer? In the case of the United States, we angered one of the constituent powers of the United States, the intelligence sector, the security state, the secrecy state.

It was powerful enough to push for a reinterpretation. The US Constitution, the US First Amendment seems pretty black and white to me. It’s very short. It says the Congress shall make no law, restricting speech or the press. ...

Ultimately if it got to the Supreme Court of the United States, and I was still alive in that system, I might have won, depending on what the makeup was of the US Supreme Court. But in the meantime, I had lost 14 years, on the house arrest, embassy siege and maximum security prison.

So I think this is an important lesson that when a major power faction wants to reinterpret the law, it can push to have the element of the state, in this case, the US Department of Justice do that. And it doesn’t care too much about what is legal. That’s something for a much later day. In the meantime, the deterrent effect that it seeks, the retributive actions that it seeks, have had their effect."  -Julian Assange

-->Julian gets to the heart of the matter. The US Constitution be damned. If the US security/secrecy state wants you, law means nothing. The Department of Justice becomes an agency for suppressing freedom of speech. But why haven't the major media in this country bothered to print Assange's speech? More censorship, of course. You can't report on US war crimes.  

Wednesday, October 02, 2024

The Intercept:
"Maura Finkelstein never hid her support for Palestinian liberation during her nine years working as a professor of anthropology at Muhlenberg College, a small liberal arts school in Allentown, Pennsylvania. 'I have always had an ethical practice of making sure that I include Palestine in my teaching,' Finkelstein told me. 'It was never outside the bounds of what I do.'

For Finkelstein, who is Jewish, this was not always easy. More than 30 percent of Muhlenberg’s 2,200 students are Jewish, many of them vocal supporters of Israel.
Neither her longtime public support of Palestinians, however, nor the courses on Palestine she taught in her early years at the school prevented Finkelstein from earning tenure in 2021. Following the arduous tenure process, professors are supposed to enjoy lifetime job security and robust safeguards of academic freedom. The bar for dismissal from a tenured academic position is by design meant to be extremely high, requiring justifiable cause.

In late May, however, Muhlenberg told Finkelstein that she was fired. The reason? She had shared, on her personal Instagram account, in a temporary story slide, a post written not by herself but by Palestinian poet Remi Kanazi calling for the shunning of Zionist ideology and its supporters."

-->This is an important story if you care about the new McCarthy Era. Finkelstein was fired for putting a Palestinian poem on her social media account. That's the criteria, or really the lack of criteria for firing tenured professors. This firing will set the stage for the muzzling of an entire class of people, who are hired to teach young people how to think and write. State censorship has arrived. Although no major media bothered to cover the end of freedom of speech on campuses across the country.


No US publication has published some of the writings and quotes of Hasan Nasralla, the Hezbollah chief in Lebanon. Isn't murdering him enough? It was our plaines and bombs that assassinated him. Time to let him speak!

-The day will come when the Palestinian people will be free and the usurpers expelled.
-It is our duty to support all those who resist colonialism and imperialism.
-Our struggle is not just for the Palestinians; it is a struggle for justice everywhere.
-Our resistance is a beacon of hope for all oppressed peoples around the world.
-Our fight is not with the Jewish people; it is with the state of Israel.
-Resistance is not terrorism; it is a legitimate response to occupation and injustice.
-Would you allow a people to come from somewhere else and occupy a part of the United States, and set up an independent state, and, after 50 years, you would not be able to stay on this land?
-The real danger to the world's resistance movements is the attempt to distort reality and to place the blame on the resistance groups' actions without allowing them to portray their perspective, thus ignoring the reality of the occupation and the siege, like the situation in occupied Palestine.


The Intercept:
"Faculty from seven University of California campuses took a stand against the repression of protest over Israel’s war on Gaza on Thursday, taking the historic step of filing a joint unfair labor practice charge against their employer. The professors from the top-tier California public university system alleged that their schools targeted them for speaking out on Israel’s war in Gaza and for joining students’ pro-Palestine protests in the spring.

The 581-page labor violation charge, filed with California’s Public Employment Relations Board, largely focuses on the universities’ crackdowns on the student-led Palestine solidarity protests and encampments, in which school officials called on police to arrest hundreds of students, faculty, and staff members in May and June.
In some instances, police beat demonstrators with batons, fired rubber bullets and pepper ball munitions, and sprayed chemical agents. In the aftermath of the crackdown, faculty and staff have faced punishment for their role in the protests, from suspensions to firings.

'UC’s actions to suppress speech about Palestine on our campuses, which represents an illegal content-based restriction of faculty rights, sets an alarming precedent,' said Constance Penley, president of the Council of UC Faculty Associations, which, along with faculty associations from the seven campuses, filed the labor charge. 'Our unfair labor practice filing demands they change course and follow the law, and make whole the faculty who have been harmed.'

Anna Markowitz, a UCLA faculty association member, said the school’s crackdown had one goal: 'to end Palestine solidarity activism on campus.' ”

-->The violent crackdown on dissent at the nation's colleges and universities. And you are worried about a Trump fascist regime? Why you have fascism that is alive and well in the Democratic Party too.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Alliance for Global Justice:
"New US Attempt to Assassinate Venezuela President, Vice President, other leaders Interior Minister Diosdado Cabello, reported on the arrest of 14 mercenaries linked to a plan to assassinate Venezuelan leaders. A large batch of US-made weapons, a total of 400 rifles and pistols were seized. He added that, when these weapons were sent from the United States, the FBI had inspected the package but did not confiscate the weapons nor arrest anyone, showing a video to back up his allegations. These people had messages on their phones about the acquisition of C4 explosives to start rebellions in prisons and break prisons to join the terrorists. ...

Minister Diosdado Cabello reported the arrest of a US Navy SEAL and two Spanish citizens allegedly linked to intelligence agencies. They are accused of plotting to assassinate President Maduro and other high-ranking Venezuelan officials. In front of some of the 400 seized firearms linked to the plot, Cabello accused Wilbert Joseph Castañeda, an active duty US sailor, of leading the effort on behalf of US intelligence. “Castañeda is the head of the operation, placed here by the CIA. The US is behind this operation. The US is handing over these firearms, they allow them to freely circulate so they can arrive in Venezuela and be used in an operation.” Cabello said security forces also uncovered a conspiracy to launch grenades at the Argentinian Embassy in Caracas to generate a diplomatic incident to be blamed on the Maduro government."

-->A failed CIA coup against Venezuela? You won't be reading about this in the NYT, the empire's go to for false news.


The Guardian UK:
Prestigious US universities are raking in millions of dollars from fossil fuel interests, raising concerns about conflicts of interest. And one university even appears to have owned a petroleum company from which it has earned millions of dollars, according to a spate of new reports produced by student organizers.

The six analyses, released Wednesday, focus on American University, Columbia University, Cornell University, Princeton University, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill and University of California, San Diego. They were written by campus organizers at each respective institution and released by Campus Climate Network, an international student-led coalition that is pushing colleges to cut ties with big oil.

'Fossil fuel companies are hijacking our universities to perpetuate their own toxic industry, and we students are not having it anymore,' Will Kattrup, a research lead at Campus Climate Network, said on Wednesday.

The researchers scraped tax forms for publicly disclosed donations to universities from oil companies’ charitable arms, scoured schools’ boards for names linked to fossil fuel interests and tracked conflict of interest statements in published academic articles to document fossil fuel funding. Students from public universities also filed public information requests to obtain additional financial information."

-->You have to go to the UK for this story. The US corporate controlled media always soft-peddles corporate influence.

"A source close to the Ministry of Economy cited a senior government official as saying it had stopped work on approving export licences for arms to Israel due to legal and political pressure from legal cases arguing that such exports from Germany breached humanitarian law.

The ministry has not responded to requests for comment. However, the German government did issue a statement after the Reuters story was published.
'There is no German arms export boycott against Israel,' government spokesperson Steffen Hebestreit said.

Last year, Germany approved arms exports to Israel worth 326.5 million euros ($363.5m), including military equipment and war weapons, a 10-fold increase from 2022, according to data from the Economy Ministry, which approves export licences.
However, approvals have dropped this year, with only 14.5 million euros worth ($16.1m) granted from January to August 21, according to data provided by the Economy Ministry in response to a parliamentary question."

-->Newsworthy? Certainly is, because Germany has been a country that is arming the genocide in Gaza. Have't those Germans learned anything? Well, the NYT hasn't anyway. Our newspaper of record disappeared this story.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

"Nuland confirms West told Zelensky to abandon peace deal. Ukraine-Russia talks fell apart after Kiev asked foreign backers for advice, the former US deputy secretary of state has said. The US, UK and other backers of Ukraine told Kiev to reject the deal reached at the 2022 Istanbul peace talks with Russia, former US under secretary of state Victoria Nuland has said.

In an interview with Russian journalist Mikhail Zygar, ... on Thursday, Nuland was asked to comment on reports that the peace process between Moscow and Kiev in late March and early April 2022 collapsed after then-British Prime Minister Boris Johnson traveled to Ukraine and told Vladimir Zelensky to keep fighting.

Putin said last week that the only reason the Istanbul deal failed was because of 'the wish of the elites in the US and some European nations to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia,' adding that Boris Johnson served as the messenger to quash the peace process. The negotiations in Türkiye yielded a draft agreement, which would have ended the hostilities, Putin recalled. Kiev was willing to declare military neutrality, limit its armed forces, and vow not to discriminate against ethnic Russians. In return, Moscow would have joined other leading powers in offering Ukraine security guarantees, he stressed."

-->This is about as close to the truth as we are going to get from the US media. The US and Britain killed the agreement that Kiev and Russia wanted way back in 2022. What a waste of lives, and it isn't over yet. We are closer to nuclear war than we have ever been. Thanks, Democrats!


The Guardian UK:
"Relief groups have said more than 1 million people in Gaza will not have enough food this month, while trucks loaded with fresh vegetables or meat spoil waiting to cross Israeli checkpoints, and thousands of aid packages of food, medical supplies and even toothbrushes and shampoo remain stuck in a backlog of lorries unable to enter from Egypt.

'We estimate that over a million Gazans will go without food in September,' said Sam Rose, a senior deputy director of UN’s relief agency for Palestinians (Unrwa), in Gaza. 'Over half the medicines in our health centres are running low, as is chlorine for water purification and other basic supplies.'

He added that Unrwa had resorted to trying to import single items such as soap, because kits containing a range of items such as washing powder alongside it have been blocked from entering."

-->What did the NYT report on? It printed a huge article entitled "Hamas Uses Brutal Tactics To Keep Its Grip on Gaza." The story takes up lots of front page space and continues on two whole pages on the inside. Isn't the IDF showing a little brutality in their slaughter of 40,000 defenseless civilians, almost half of them children? Not according to the genocide's major newspaper.


"In an unsurprising yet telling development, Republican former Vice President Dick Cheney has thrown his support behind the Democratic presidential nominee, Vice President Kamala Harris, over his party’s candidate, framing former President Donald Trump as an unprecedented threat to the United States. On its face, this endorsement might appear as a principled defence of democracy from a longstanding Republican stalwart. But beneath the surface lies a troubling irony.

Cheney, the architect of some of the most disastrous foreign and domestic policies of the early 21st century, now seeks to claim the moral high ground. The legacy of his policies – particularly the havoc unleashed during the Iraq War and the broader “war on terror” – continues to reverberate globally, causing suffering and instability that far surpass anything Trump has wrought to date. ...

Embracing a man whose policies left a trail of death and destabilisation in their wake as a champion of American values lacks any semblance of moral clarity. Cheney, whose hands are stained with the blood of countless innocents from Iraq to Guantanamo, who undermined American democracy and terrorised countless innocent Americans under the “war on terror”, should not be celebrated, especially by someone seeking the mantle of progressive leadership."

-->The NYT didn't delve into Dick Cheney's blood splattered past. The empire's newspapers always forgives US war criminals, no matter how many they butcher. To our newspaper of record, Dick Cheney is just another "hawkish conservative."

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Hands Off Uhuru:
"Tampa, FL—The first week of the free speech trial of Chairman Omali Yeshitela, Penny Hess and Jesse Nevel left observers shaking their heads and asking how the government has dedicated 30 FBI agents over the course of 3 years, conducted military raids on peaceful U.S. residents, offered a $10 million reward for information and still has no case.

With only one witness left, the prosecution has failed to present any actual knowledge or evidence of the government’s baseless charges that the Uhuru 3 are 'secret pawns in a Russian government conspiracy to sow political discord and interfere in elections'.

The government has made the outlandish accusation that Omali Yeshitela, Chairman of the African People’s Socialist Party, as well as two leaders in the organization’s solidarity component Penny Hess and Jesse Nevel, were paid and under the control by the Russian government when they took a petition to the U.N. charging the U.S. with genocide, testified at U.N. hearings for reparations to African people, published an article opposing the ban on Russian athletes in the Olympics, ran for public office on a reparations platform and spoke out against the U.S./NATO proxy war using Ukraine against Russia.

-->With 30 FBI agents on the case, and three years worth of investigation, the government has failed spectacularly in proving that Uhuru is a Russian agent. But this case was about harassing and threatening Black activists in the US. It's the same thing that the FBI has always done. And we the people have put up with it all these years. Part of the failure is the fact that the NYT never covers a story like this.


Common Dreams:
"UN Expert Fears 'Almost the Entire Population' of Gaza Exterminated If Israel Not Stopped. The range of presumable direct and indirect deaths could be between 15 and 20% of the population already by the end of this year,' said U.N. Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese.

Reviewing a global public health expert's analysis of the probable ultimate death toll in Gaza from Israel's relentless assault, the United Nations special rapporteur on the occupied Palestinian territories said Friday that without a cease-fire, the Israel Defense Forces 'could end up exterminating almost the entire population in Gaza over the next couple of years.' ...

United Nations experts warned in July that Israel's 'targeted starvation campaign' has 'resulted in famine across all of Gaza,' with at least 34 Palestinians dying of malnutrition as hundreds of aid delivery trucks were stranded in Egypt, unable to cross into the enclave. "

-->Why should this be a surprise to the people of the United States? We have read about the genocide, and we have watched it on any number of flat screens. Will we ever admit to backing and arming this genocide? Is that who we really are, white racist warmongers dedicated to seeking war and carnage for profit. As long as the victims are always Black, that is.

Thursday, September 05, 2024

The Intercept: 
"In early August, Columbia University told Congress that most of the students arrested in the past year for protesting against Israel’s war on Gaza would be allowed to return to campus for the fall.

Then a congressional inquiry applied pressure. Last week, the Republican chair of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce, which has been conducting an inquiry into Columbia’s handling of the protests since this spring, published a letter blasting the school for not punishing students harshly enough and issued a subpoena for internal records.

Rep. Virginia Foxx, R-N.C, accused the university of having “waved the white flag in surrender while offering up a get-out-of-jail-free card” to student protesters. She further blamed 'radical students and faculty' for interrupting the disciplinary process, and called protesters 'antisemites.' (Students are facing accusations of violating the school’s policies on protest, and not harassment or bias against Jewish students.) Foxx then subpoenaed the university later in the week for records related to the protests, including communication among administrators in handling of encampments, meeting minutes from the board of trustees, and documentation of alleged antisemitic incidents on campus."

-->The NYT didn't print this story. Maybe it was just too pathetic, with another top university caving into crude attacks by Republican lawmakers. But shouldn't readers be made aware of how freedom of speech is under attack on US campuses?


"I was a senior producer on Phil’s short-lived MSNBC primetime show in 2002 and 2003. It was frustrating for us to have to deal with the men Phil called 'the suits'—NBC and MSNBC executives who were intimidated by the Bush administration, and resisted any efforts by NBC/MSNBC to practice journalism and ask tough questions of Washington before our young people were sent to Iraq to kill or be killed. Ultimately, Phil was fired because—as the leaked internal memo said—Donahue represented 'a difficult public face for NBC at a time of war.' ...

But 'the suits' ruined our show when they took control and actually mandated a quota system favoring the right wing: If we had booked one guest who was antiwar, we needed to book two that were pro-war. If we had two guests on the left, we needed three on the right. When a producer suggested booking Michael Moore—known to oppose the pending Iraq War—she was told she’d need to book three right-wingers for political balance.

Three weeks before the Iraq war started, and after some of the biggest antiwar mobilizations the world had ever seen (which were barely covered on mainstream TV), the suits at NBC/MSNBC terminated our show."

-->This quote by Jeff Cohen was hardly our mainstream media's take on Phil Donahue. In fact, the NYT used its obituary to tell one more lie about Donahue's career, that he was fired for bad ratings. But internal memos have long ago pointed out why MSNBC let him go right before the Iraq invasion. General Electric, one of the owners of the station, stood to make huge profits from this war. Donahue was fired because he questioned all the war lies, and the NYT can't get it right twenty years later.


"The UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) has accused the Israeli government of 'buying ads on Google to block users from giving donations' to the agency. UNRWA Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini said in a post on X that Israel’s attempts to defame the agency both harm its reputation and put the lives of its staff at risk.

'These deliberate efforts to spread misinformation should stop and be investigated,' Lazzarini wrote on Saturday, calling for more regulations for companies, including social media platforms, to combat disinformation and hate speech.

Israel has campaigned for years against UNRWA, the main organisation delivering humanitarian aid to Palestinians in the occupied Palestinian territory and providing services for Palestinian refugees in other countries since 1949, claiming it has connections with 'terrorists' and lobbying for its closure."

-->Israel is attacking the major relief effort for Palestine. All part of the planned genocide, and all kept out of the NYT news coverage.